Saturday, August 27, 2011

It Started......

 It started the same as any other morning, the sun streaming into my realm.
All was quiet.

Then I discovered a gift from halfway around the world, one that had touched my heart more than I am able to explain.

Suddenly I was twelve thousand miles away, once again hiking through the countryside of England, tears streaming down my face as I shared this wonderful journey, my heart near breaking at the separation I feel from her gentle shores.

One can not alleviate the connection to a place, and one can also not manifest a bonding to a land who does not imprint it's spirit into your soul.
As I sit here I wonder at the scenarios that penned my way to be here, so far away from the country that holds my heart I feel an emptiness that calls for the fields of green, for the mountains, the quiet country lanes, for the contentment of my soul..........

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