Thursday, June 11, 2009

Walking Along In Life...........

Walking along in life I know that I am never alone, not in the real sense of what being alone means, around me is another realm, the realm where I know I truly come from, the one, when I am done with the soul work of this earthly life I will return to. Does it make life here any easier though? No, not when to going gets tough, and you find yourself wondering what it is you are suppose to do next........... Walking along in silence, and preferably alone, just me, my camera and the company of the nature angels that surround me, the elements hold me captive in their spell of serenity, a place that I can return to to find myself when all around me is not making sense.............. Gazing out across the never ending sight before me has me thinking that life is all about growth. Personal growth. My growth. My journey through life is about transcending old ways, habits, friends, interests when their gifts has been given and it is time to move forward, to take up the next challenge and into the vast unknown................. Yet as I stand here in the vulnerable shell of my confused body, I wonder why do so many people fear change? How can so many people never challenge themselves enough to test the depth of the water, swim out, just a little past their comfort zone and try something new, why do millions stay locked as prisoners of their past? Afraid to believe that there could be something out there that could change their life, thus altering their entire concept of their reality. Whenever I feel that I am drowning in life, having all of my passion and zest sucked out of me I begin a deeper journey into my self, one that sees me pulling away from all the people that I know, questioning all that has happened in my life, and more importantly where it has lead me thus far, and where it is that I am to go to next........ Striving towards fulfillment in my tomorrows depends on the honesty and clarity of my to-day, to go within myself to commune with my higher self to unlock the hidden messages that will illuminate my path, thus aiding the advancement of my soul. I can not stay trapped and confined in a world that holds no promise of spontaneity, growth and adventure, life must be lived, truly enjoyed and embraced on all levels, anything but would be simply existing, and to me that would mean to live a life like a zombie, void of true inner happiness. As we come to blame all and sundry for our unhappiness and disappointments it is easy to slip into a pattern of sleepwalking through life, one foot after another, day after day, marching along to the beat of another mans drum, killing all the joy that fights for recognition with our self. We don't see that we are the ones that cause our emotional highs and lows, no one else, it is of course much easier to believe that you feel crap because someone else will not do the things you want them to do, but the more you pulsate the negative vibrations within you, the more you push away those you wish to love and spend time with you. The key to fulfillment and happiness lies within your hands, and with your ability to believe in the power of your self, the glorious and radiant being that you truly are, forget about the human body that stands there looking back at you in dumbstruck confusion, look deeper into the depths of your own eyes seeing beyond the veil of illusion and into an infinite realm of never-ending possibilities...............

1 comment:

susan said...

It takes a rigidly cultivated obtuseness - yes, collective civilizational denial - for us in the West not to see the universe. Technocracy and linear time have dulled our imaginations. Between fundamentalist Christianity and radical Islam Science is no more than an ill-equipped referee. The practice of Buddhism has the benefit of converting suffering into something bearable. Not that many of us are capable of the kind of practice hundreds of generations of monks, lamas and wandering saints achieved but at least with our effort to learn how to breathe in stillness we sometimes find blessings and an ineffable companionship.