Thursday, June 25, 2009

Food Is..........

Food is more than just food, it becomes our body, our bones, muscles, tissues, nails, brain. To eat unconsciously is to feed your body unconsciously. Each day we all have to eat, some of us loath the idea of feeding our self, let alone our families, some use the term, to slave over a hot stove, which indicates that to nourish the body is a chore, and one that is tiresome at that! Our body is our temple, the only temple incidentally worth worshiping in, it was given to us by our creator, designed just for us, it is unique and astounding in every single way, to abuse it or neglect it is to insult our Creator for his loving gift. When you begin to view the food you eat in a meditative way you will shift the focus on what was once a mundane task into an act of devotion to your self. To select your food with clarity and a loving heart will ensure you will begin to shift your selections of food from unconscious to conscious, you will move away from dead food, the thought of eating an animal will repulse you, the lure of fresh vegetables, grains and pulses will call you, their purity singing to your waking soul. The same for the man made fast food, chocolate, biscuits, cakes, crisps, anything laden with sugar, fat and additives will slowly retreat from your diet as you begin to contemplate daily on what energy you are giving to your body. If you start to feel the food before your eat, picking up an apple and feeling its texture, smelling it, becoming aware of it before you shove it in to your mouth, feel it, really feel it. To prepare all your food in a meditative way is to honor your body as the temple it is, it will see you release abusive eating patterns of eating far too much or too little, both are forms of body abuse. The art of having a balanced body is to love it, and to feed it lovingly is a humble act that will shift your opinion on meal preparation, setting you free from diets that will never work until you realize that feeding your body is an act of love, and to become one with the essence of what it is you are going to eat will shift your awareness from a daily grind into a magical and holy experience...............

1 comment:

Nancy said...

Thanks. The perfect thing for me to read today!