One of my very first shots of my magpie family.
I adore sharing my home with the beautiful energy that they bring.
They nurture their babies and honour the old.
Watching the way they are with each other is a lesson in authentic love, one that enables me to expand into myself as I watch them in their daily visits.
Being able to sit and watch my bird kin at such close quarters is a gift I am thrilled to be sharing.
It took a lot to move from a shiny and new house in the suburbs to a country cottage in need of so much work and repairs, but to go back into the soullessness of suburbia I would surely wither and die.
Here amongst my constantly transforming home I am growing in ways I never thought possible.
Being surrounded by nature and taking a complete leap of faith to swap new for old was a decision that on more than one occasion I questioned.
With so much work to do in and around this place I have thought that I took on more than I was able to handle.
But five minutes in my garden eases my worries.
I now live on a tiny piece of heaven......................