Listening and watching the unfolding of sorrow taking place around me, in this pain I find peace, serene in the mists of denial and grief, of loss.
As others around me falter as they fear the loss of a loved one, I watch, silently honoured to be here, to assist.
Times of change come to us differently, and now, as I watch, as I listen I too am changing.
God experiences through each of us on this planet, and no two humans walk this earth the same, even the same soul in different carnations, each path is different, yet, we are all collectively joined.
Many fear death as an ending, a black void that stretches out across infinity, floating away to the abyss of nothingness. Yet, to me, death is a returning, it is a homecoming, something to be celebrated joyously as the soul returns to the realms of love, how we choose to make this journey again is as individual as each of us, yet, every passing is sacred, no matter what story was written by the individual.
Life is teaching me in its secret whispers, allowing me to be present and still, no matter what is occurring around me, within my immediate circle, in the presence of death.
Stillness leads me back to truth in every situation that highlights its presence around me, I know with complete clarity that it is all such a wonderful illusion, and, we are All, a tiny piece of God................