Letting the light shine into my world is transforming and reviving, even when it comes in the darken form of deception disguised as truth.
It is from these soulful lessons that one always finds the greatest growth, well, this is true in my case anyway.
With the dissolving of a union of which I thought was based on truth, on love, I have found such a renewal of my soul, and such inner strength that I do not dwell on the loss of such a connection, but rather, I walk forward into reality, and remain steadfast in the Now, standing tall in truth.
Chatting to a dear friend yesterday highlighted this to me, and it has also illuminated to me the importance of truth to me as a fundamental basis for each relationship I have, and to have a person use my beliefs to play a game with my heart would normally see me left agonising over the affair, not this time though, this time I have been infused with a strength so powerful that I see the gift for what it was, and it is liberating.
I realize now with full awareness that all I require is here, surrounding me in everyday, I need not travel to far away lands, nor dis-guard all that I own to prove my dedication to God, all that is required by me is to surrender and allow God to feel this life through each and every second of my days.
I came here for experience, experience in a human form, to live a life of flesh and blood, to feel an array of emotions, and situations.
With the vanishing of this person has come a wonderful explosion of new encounters, a fresh and wondrous appearance of new and exciting people entering my world.
Once again I surrendered myself to God, and, once again in doing so a course of miracles has appeared right before my eyes.
The heart aches no longer enter my world, instead I feel the grief and sit with it, feel the ball of energy turning within my centre, and as I sat and felt it swirling within it was swamped with such love that it dissolved into nothingness and drifted away.
Now I feel empowered and completely alive in every single cell of my body, and as I expand into tomorrow and the freshness of a blank canvas I do so with a full and contented heart.................