'Life is but a dream weaving its way through our moments, creating challenges we require to transcend the shackles that we imprison ourselves with'
Monday, September 29, 2008
Morning is the best time...................................

Double Standards...........

All farm animals are treated in barbaric and horrific ways to feed the greedy millions who are addicted to their flesh, milk and eggs, no one that eats these products really cares about how these precious creatures are treated as long as they can sink their teeth into their next piece of steak.
How would you feel having to line up and watch in terror as those in front of you are slaughtered in cold blood right before your eyes, you stand there trembling knowing that every second it is getting closer to your death. If you are capable of eating the meat of these animals then you ought to be able to kill it for yourself, see the fear and feel the terror as you take the life of a gentle innocent animal so you can stuff your face with the flesh of another living being. Most meat eaters will not listen to the acts surrounding where their dinner comes from, it is usually a case of out of sight out of mind, which to me is diabolical, if you are going to survive on the bodies of others you ought to know what they have to go through so you can have you daily fix, but how many would do that? What about raising and killing your own meat? I have asked this question to many people and the answer is normally the same, I could not eat it if I had to kill it, or that they could not kill anything, then how is it then alright to eat something someone else has killed for you, as I said double standards.
What the meat eating public like to shield themselves from is that all the animals that they eat have feelings, that they love and that they have deep and loving relationships when left to live in their natural habitat without the bloodthirsty humans controlling their lives to feed their ever increasing waistlines. Chickens make fabulous pets, they love to sit on your lap and to scratch around the garden looking for worms, they will run to greet their owners just like a dog, oh but wait they are not as cute, can't catch a ball, why would you want a chicken as a pet? They are much better on a plate, after of course being kept in a cage that in most case they cannot even turn around, having their beak cut off, force fed growth hormones which of course sees them become crippled with arthritis, have no feathers, can't walk and never see the sun, you can use your imagination on how the rest of the animals are mistreated.
I cannot for one second understand how any educated person can allow this to continue let alone eat the end results of these tortured beings..................
Friday, September 26, 2008
The Last Frog.......................

Saturday, September 20, 2008
Exquisite Crows..........

Thursday, September 18, 2008
A Day at the Beach..................................

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Sunday, September 07, 2008

I am now entirely focused upon my journey, working more with the sounds and energy that will lift me from the denseness that entwines those around me who sleepwalk their way through life, by lifting my frequency I am of greater service to those who walk beside me, knowing that my Light will enhance their story even though it is not their time to awake. It does not matter whether or not people understand or share my views, they are where they are required to be, therefore all is perfect, all is as it should be.......................