Did I cope with leaving Blossom for just under a month?
I was so glad to get home and see her, I know I had left her in capable hands however, I did fret, constantly! I will not forget the night I left, she knew that something was amiss, the big case, the tension that hung heavy in the air, and me cuddling her every few minutes, crying and telling her I loved her gave her much to think about. The worst moment was when I left her sitting on my bed with a grumpy face at 3am, not knowing what was going on, she looked frail and old. Still she had survived worse I know that, when I found her near death nearly 3 years ago no one thought that she would live the day let alone another few years, I clung to that thought the entire time I was away, she has survived worse, she will be okay.
The moment I walked in (again in the wee small hours of the morning,) I called her name to gently rouse her from her sleep, she jumped up and cried softly in return, she was happy her mum was home. She has been like my shadow ever since, if she wakes and can not see me during the day she is off in search promptly, just making sure I am still here. At night she sits next to my head purring and rubbing her face gently on mine, or snuggles next to me with my hand wedged under her chin, just in case I plan another midnight exit, bless her.
I might not get much sleep in the first few weeks but it is worth it, the love that we share is pure and unconditional, that feeling is unexplainable and for opportunity to share this depth of emotion with this divine little cat I feel extremely blessed.