Saturday, July 12, 2008

Fostered Red Panda Cub

This dutch tabby cat can teach humanity a thing or two about unconditional love having taken on a abandoned red panda cub as one of her kittens. Animals always love unconditionally anyone who has ever shared their life with a pet can tell you that, yet sometimes it takes a sight such as this for many to acknowledged this trait in animals. I am particularly grateful to the zoo keeper who decided this little cub was worth enough to save, how many would have just had it put to sleep, thinking that it simply would not survive. Animal life has little value in the majority of human eyes, and yet a story like this will have thousands of people cooing over how cute it is, yet they will still get stuck into eating a piece of cow, lamb or pig later in the day, not seeing that these animals too have as much love as this ordinary little cat.

Love is what living is all about, loving every different species of life on this planet is a characteristic not many of us are blessed with, most perceive human life as the only one worth worrying about, animals are a commodity that are exploited to feed and clothe them, not many are considered to have feelings. I constantly save a variety of creatures every day, spiders, flies, ants, snails, slugs in fact anything that I pass that I feel someone may squash just because they don't like them, the comments I get from doing this varies, mostly people are nasty about it, and of course think I am weird. Who gave us the right to decide which life is more important than others? All life forms on this planet have senses like we do they feel pain and they feel love, stories like this give proof of this fact, yet even so the animals continue to suffer at mans greedy hands.

Perhaps this common little tabby cat may reach a few more hardened human hearts enough to make them reconsider the true nature of animals, to enlighten them enough to realise that they do feel love just like we do, that they too have the right to live. The Universe was designed by a being far more compassionate and enlightened than many can comprehend, and in the wisdom of this creation all life forms to play a vital part in the balance of this planet, as man has continued to believe the illusion that he is the superior species the planet is spirally out of control. This ordinary little tabby cat is showing the world about REAL love bless her beautiful little heart, a lesson humanity desperately requires.

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