Sunday, January 13, 2008

This mornings walk took us to a native reserve a short drive from our house. The bird populations are doing exceptionally well here, we were early enough to catch many ducks and cockatoo's still enjoying a leisurely start to their day.
Another family of cockatoos' were having a very loud conversation above as I ambled along the path taking in the vibrancy of this natural haven.
A pair of Australian magpies were wandering long the path in front of us searching for juicy bugs to eat no doubt. Out of all the Australian native birds the magpie is by far the most exquisite singer of them all. Their call is unlike any bird I have ever heard, it is pure joy to listen to.
The lake itself when it finally burst into view is home to thousands of birds ibis, black swans, assorted ducks, and seagulls. These sanctuary's are fast disappearing here so to see such natural splendor with the abundance of bird life present was uplifting. For the survival of all these birds they require a safe place to rest at night, and as suburbia spreads ever closer to places such as this the residents have more than the natural predators to contented with. Domestic cat's that are not kept in at night, cruel humans that find it amusing to catch and torture the birds, and even feeding them something that they know will kill, how that is amusing is quite beyond me, it appears though that this place is keeping its lodgers safe, I trust enough so that they may all live long, free, and happy lives.

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