Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The Enchantment of Morning

I adore watching the world wake, being fully present in the moments that see another day dawning, hearing the birds rising to begin their new day, seeing the golden early morning sunshine slowly transforming the night to day. The silence of the dawn is a bewitching hour, for me one that is often taken for granted by those who fail to see the enchanting world that surrounds them, sleepwalking their way through life oblivious to the miracles that encircle them.
I allow myself the honour of witnessing the pleasure of the things that society would have us miss, by being programed to believe that we do not possess the time for such trivial matters as enjoying the dawning of a new day. We each hold the ability to rewrite our life chapters at any given moment, to take back control of our own life, to become more in tune with our Self and the world which surrounds us, it is only us who personally gives credence to the belief that we do not have the time for such 'trivial' things as watching the sun rise, that there is never enough hours in a day.

There is always plenty of time, when you realise that there are far more important things than rushing through your day chasing the dollar, making that 'important' meeting, wishing your life away on an event still yet to is then that life reclaims its enchantment.

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