Saturday, August 03, 2019

I Cannot Imagine......

 I cannot imagine ever having a garden without chickens sharing it with me.

These four delightful beings who currently share my garden really are a loving beautiful little family.
Aslan is a shy rooster and he is not really keen on humans.
He is pretty good with me though and here he came to investigate the noise my camera was making.

Unlike his predecessor Moondancer who was a fierce and aggressive rooster Aslan has never attacked me and is far more gentle with his harem of hens. 

The girls all get on so well and I often catch Cheeky Chook tending to the grooming needs of Maple and Brulee. 

Chickens are treated absolutely dreadfully in the meat industry.

It breaks my heart to think of the billions of chickens slaughtered each day worldwide to quench the the hunger of the humans.

In the old world an animal was always honoured for the life it gave by the hunters that took it.
It was seen and only what was truly required was taken.
That is not so anymore.

Now though, not a thought is given to the life of a being that is being sold in the supermarkets in numbers which are appalling high.
Some of these beautiful beings are killed, processed and thrown out as they were never bought, therefore they died in vain.

If you consume flesh foods perhaps you need to connect into who you are eating.

Even though I cannot bring myself to eat the flesh of another, I acknowledge that I have taken the life of plants, vegetables and fruits that I eat to nourish myself, I always bless my food and give thanks for the life I hold within my hands as I prepare my food each day.

If I could save all the chickens across the world from enduing the tortuous conditions they are forced to live in I would, sadly I can't though.
If I could free them all I would as well.
All I can do is hope that one day the humans will end the horrors they inflict on others who cannot speak for themselves.

Until then I send thoughts of love to them and hope they know that there is one person in the cruel world they find themselves dwelling in thinking of them and the freedom that was taken from them.....

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