Friday, November 02, 2012

Billowy Pink Clouds....

 Billowy pink clouds floating on the horizon, the distance hum of morning traffic breaking the silence, mornings are such a blessing, each day all of us are given another blank canvas to create with, a day unwritten lingering in front of us.
 Some of us wake with a sense of foreboding, sensing the  possibilities that await us in the virgin terrain ahead, others retreat into the dark places of depression and grief unable to shake the gloom that has captured their souls.
Life is a gift many of us take for granted, those of us who misunderstand the power of their own mind, a source so incredibly mighty that if utilised by those enduring heartache and suffering it can turn their life around, presenting them with an ending to the pain they are living.  
The hardest step in reclaiming your happiness is always the first one, as stepping out of the murky emotions that surround you seems a challenge to great to overcome, a journey too difficult to endure.
We are, each of us shining beacons of unimaginable light, pure divine untainted energy, most of us have forgotten this as we amble along in the depths of imprisonment that hold us chained to the sorrow of living stories that sucks the joy and life out of our struggling souls.
It takes but a moment to alter your perception of your life, a moment of seeing your worth and your celestial roots, in the clarity of viewing the truth of who you are you set in motion healing of your life, and your heart, returning you to your true and magnificent self........ 

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