Sunday, April 08, 2012

Sitting Here...

 Sitting here in the quiet of early evening, with a heart full of gratitude for the souls who shared their essence with me last night in a sacred circle of healing, the power of the ceremony still fills me.
Words can not I feel express the transformations that took place within this circle of peace, I am not even sure I should try, in the past few months I have been sitting three times per month in these precious gatherings.

Allowing yourself to be open to others surrounding you, with the ability to speak your truth, to express yourself on a soul level takes courage, for, here in this space you seen for the presence you really are, not for the body that houses your spirit.

Society has lost sight of the necessity of sitting in stillness, of sitting with kin and of connecting with the world around us, the trees, birds, animals, plants, rocks, mountains. As we are pushed along to keep buying, doing and struggling to cope with everyday life, the lost art of sitting has created a race of sick, tortured and disconnected beings.  

Seeing all this with a intense clarity as I sat, I was humbled at the synchronisation it had taken for me to find myself sitting in this space last night, every footstep taken over the course of my whole life lead me there, each second of heartache and the weariness I now know was not in vain, for the timing of this reconnection is perfect, any sooner and I would not have been ready, all the trials and  the distress I have lived in my story thus far has paved the way for me to now merge with the changes being birthed not only within myself, but also the changes taking place with our beautiful Earth.
So many things have begun to unravel in me, and to change since I began sitting in ceremony, little things at first, subtle changes, the inspiration to purchase a sketch pad and coloured pencils and starting to sew were changes enough, but this morning as I sat in the circle with the serene melodies the echoed around me, I found suddenly I was singing, the urge to open up and express the love I had inside just flowed out of me, sitting with my eyes closed gently swaying to the music I allowed my voice to be heard, softly I expressed my gratitude. 

My gratefulness however this time is for the blessing of being touched on such a deep level, not physical touch, but a touch so profound that it encompassed all of creation. Touch is what I miss the most having been single for so long, although I have the company of my cats, and the hugs of friends and family when we meet, the act of a soft sensual embrace is what my soul has hungered for, that deep level of intimacy that comes from a fleeting touch of a finger traced upon your skin, the penetrating depth an intimate bonding brings. 
Feeling this extent of contact, without any physical interaction has regenerated my entire being, yet, also I feel it is a sign that perhaps the time has now come to open myself to the  vibration of another, as a deep and powerful shift occurred, I felt a movement within of all past hurts, of current doubts and restrictions, I have been cleared, cleansed of every event and self inflicted heartache I have carried within me. 
I now see who I am.

Thanking those who joined me in this sacred ritual for their love and support in a space of such beauty fills my heart with joy, for as we sit and align ourselves, we in turn heal all of humanity, as the vibrations of love that we build in this circles of healing do not stay confined to the space they are created in, the energy radiates out to touch all of you...........

1 comment:

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

You have such a way of putting things.

Even the Christian God doesn't really want us to do this and that and whatever. He (or she) has the power to do anything he or she wants.

I think what is desired is that we just be with him or her.

I hope things are going well for you. Take care.