Sunday, April 22, 2012

Always Watching......

 Always watching the antics of my animal kin as I journey through my days, I take the time to watch them as they adjust to living a life where each day is a struggle for their survival.
Birds are losing their habitat at an alarming rate, their food sources drying up, as is their water supply, not to mention the hideous ways humans maim them viewing them as pests.
Having to deal with an array of hardships each day in the fight for life, finding a clean source of water is always a challenge for them, which is why this moment inspired me so.
 You have to admire them for their ingenuity at sourcing a much needed refreshing drink.

The freshly topped up water containers at this service station was for the humans to use to wash their windscreens, it became firstly a morning treat for this family of pigeons.

So tickled by their joyful antics was I, that I just had to capture the moment, much to the bewilderment of the other humans around me, no one else saw the magic of this moment, sadly, pigeon's are viewed, like millions of other birds across the planet as vermin, they are not seen as the gentle loving souls they truly are.
Perhaps the majority of  humanity ought to look at the destruction they are causing to our animal kin, and, the planet, then they would see who the real vermin are!

Sitting to watch them I found that they in turn, turned to watch me.
The watcher becoming the watched!
Sharing this moment of togetherness was enthralling, as amidst the "normality" of a suburban petrol station I was communing on an intimate level with these blessed beings, a priceless and precious encounter indeed...........

1 comment:

PerthDailyPhoto said...

I love the birds also Gemel, I have three birdbaths around the garden that are always full and also feed them, it's a very rewarding experience.