Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Saying Goodbye................

 Saying goodbye to someone you love is never easy, and when their departure comes swiftly you are left without the option to say that last, fond farewell. 

As I walked alongside the hearse silently this afternoon, lost in my own private world of grief I suddenly was overcome by the intensity of life around me, the gardens were teeming with activity.

Leaving the cemetery I headed home, to be in the stillness of my garden and to acknowledge the sanctity of life.

Life is not about how much money you make, nor about what we own, what we do for work,  none of that is important, not really.

Life is about beauty.

For in beauty love resides, ever radiating it's bequest to the world around us, and through us, connecting us all for eternity.

Beauty is a praying mantis idly resting on a spent bloom. 

 Beauty is the sudden bursts of colour that ignites my garden into an rainbow of decorative splendour.
 Beauty is the light and shadows that dance across the foliage as the clouds drift across the sky.
 The beauty of life is an unseen force that animates everything, spreading its bounty of tenderness within all of us.

Yet, for many 'life' gets in the way, and sadly some never see the truth of our interconnectedness to all. 

As I sat and contemplated the returning of another beautiful soul I felt her everywhere, saw her in everything, never ending, eternal.

 Sitting in my private space of holy loveliness keeps me aligned to the authenticity of who I am, and in moments of grief it bestows me with boundless comfort..................


PerthDailyPhoto said...

When my Mum passed away two years ago., it all happened too fast, on the one Tuesday I was sitting in Waldecks having coffee with her and the next Tuesday she was gone, I'm still trying to come to terms with how this could happen. I'm so sorry for your loss Gemel and thankful that you have your sanctuary and furry companions to help

ruma said...

Hello, Gemel.

  Your work is embraced in your gentleness.

  Thank you for the warmth of your heart.

  The prayer for all peace.   
Have a good weekend. From Japan ruma ❃

Adriano said...


Suas flores me seu espaço
são lindas!
Um lugar muito agradável!


Grato pelas suas visitas!

um ótimo final de semana!
