Saturday, December 17, 2011

Explosions Of Colour............

 Explosions of colour are irrupting continuously around my tranquil garden hideaway.
As the temperature begins to soar as summer approaches the slumbering plants are bursting with new vibrant growth. 
 The delicate hues of this cottonwood hibiscus are exquisitely fragile, the mellow tint of their petals a striking contrast to the deep red tones of the leaves.
 Across the other side of the garden another head has popped up, the extraordinary beauty of this exotic jewel.
 Appearing more like a creature from another planet, it stands high above the rest of the garden like a sentient custodian, peacefully watching over me....................


Nancy said...

The Bird of Paradise is my favorite flower! I have a huge painting of one in my dining room. Lovely pictures with that bright blue sky behind the flowers.

trump said...

Greetings from an Amish community in Pennsylvania, I'm just checking out different blogs and thought id leave a comment. Happy holidays to everyone as well. Richard from Amish Stories

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Wow, your garden is really doing well. Your plants are very exotic. Right now it is 24F here so I'm enjoying your warmth.