Saturday, November 05, 2011

Ever Wondered Why...........

 Ever wondered why you are here?
For just a moment have you contemplated the reason for your existence?

With millions of humans still living a blinkered life, captured by the illusion of their own importance, money, war, careers, hatred, greed, misuse of power and materialism is it any wonder that Gaia is now cleansing her world?
Humans are like a plague raping this planet, destroying her beauty with pollution, weapons and the continued spread of their urban disease.
Those others on the planet are not considered, as, they are viewed by most as disposable.
Delving deeper into the mysteries of life attunes you to the heartbeat of all, not only the humans, but also our Mother Gaia, forests, oceans, rivers, and, each other sentient being that resides here with us.

Personally I have always been more connected to animals and nature than I have to humans, as I have always had the ability to communicate with them soul to soul, and as I continue upon my earthy sojourn my kinship deepens as I am saddened by the unfeeling actions of the other humans around me.
They do not hear the trees sing.
The melodies of the birds.
The language of love of the animal folk surrounding them.

 Imagine if you will, just for a moment.
You are lying in the middle of the road, wing broken, stunned, unable to fly no matter how much you attempt to lift your wings.
Roaring past each side of you huge mechanical machines driven by unconscious humans, each missing you by inches.
Calling to your mate who waits on the verge, wanting only to fly to him.

This was a scene I saw yesterday, unlike my last two animal rescues I had no way of stopping for this bird as it stood there in the middle of the road, the traffic speeding me along.
I was mortified at the others around me, and still the image haunts me.
My inability to assist this beloved Magpie will remain with me always as I felt it's pain, and it's love radiating, even in this time of 'death'
I know this beautiful being is at peace now, returned home to source, yet, it's passing should have been one of beauty, not one of brutality.

As we sprint towards the beginning of a new world age, many things will begin to change.
As Gaia continues purifying the human race there will be more earthquakes, floods and tsunamis to begin to balance the world once again.
The blatant disrespect of life by the majority of the human race is now being dealt with, our Mother has had enough, as for too long now the mass part of humanity has been unconscious unfeeling barbaric creatures.
She now wishes to induce the voice of unconditional love.
True love.
Witnessing this transition from one world age into another is an experience that we all incarnated for, we knew prior to arriving at this precise point of Earthly history what would be occurring, we also knew that the challenge of this dimension was to remember, to wake, to return to the Unity of All, to learn how to love.

Whatever skin we happen to wear makes no difference.
We are All apart of each other.
Whether is be feathers, scales. skin or fur, there is no separation, we all breathe the same air, each heart beats as One............


Michelle said...

oh Gemel

I started crying at the story of the Magpie. :-(

But you managed to use it to create a post about hope and love and oneness. Wonder-full!

Oh and I love the picture of the woman with wings. She's brilliant and REAL. I get tired of the "barbie girl" art in much of the stuff out there. It sends out a message that even in spirituality women have to be young and pretty.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Mereu ma faci sa ma gandesc mai mult la mine. Felicitari!

Bluezy said...

I love your art. The altered globe to heart is a great concept.

Sorry about the magpie. I saw one last month perching on our neighbors house. It hung around for a while. I looked up the folklore. I preferred the Chinese thoughts on when sighting a Magpie..

Keep saving and helping Gaia heal.

Sherry Blue Sky said...

Oh, I have found a kindred spirit here! I so LOVE every word you expressed here, and agree with every thought. I will be back to read more of your work. Peace - an idea whose time has come. It will happen, with our without us. A transformation of consciousness on this planet is trying so hard to happen. Thanks for your thoughts which assist its birth.

Gemel said...

@ Michelle, sorry to bring you tears, I was the same. Helpless, yet as you say the moment brought love.

@ thank you

@ My reason for being is to be a voice for the animals and Gaia, a never-ending journey.

@Sherry Blue Sky, we are finding each other, now is the time to remember we are One Tribe.

ioan moldovan said...

Many greetings from Romania! Thank you very much for all your comments! God bless you!