Friday, October 07, 2011

Spending The............

 Spending the afternoon with my friend and watching her three children frolicking in the water was a wonderful way to end the day.
 Especially seeing that the seaside is not somewhere they visit often, they live in the foothills of Perth, and they rarely venture west to the coast, so, watching the absolute joy that radiated from their faces was simply pleasing to witness.
 Having grown up by a coastal playground myself I was captivated to view such bliss, I did recall momentarily the endless hours I spent combing the seaside for treasures, hours upon hours of wonderful walks,
 Yet to these three children a visit to the beach was something so amazing, everything utterly stimulating.
 As giggling and laughter echoed around me I smiled to myself at the simple pleasures that brought such happiness to these three, there was so much to see, to experience.

Even though the temperature had dropped, and the breeze had a slight nip in it, the draw of the watery playground beckoned them to enter, oblivious to the cool wind they continued to explore this new and vibrant shoreline.

 Running, jumping and squealing with delight the happiness radiated from them, such innocence,
such unadulterated rapture. 
 To see others reacting to the call of the ocean as I do warmed me to my core, normally it is me, myself and I that dance along the wet sands merrily oblivious to the presence of others.
 Now I had become the observer, viewing the enchantment of the ocean working its magic on others, and feeling the warmth of her salty embrace weaving its way deep within their hearts.
 Each second was priceless.
 Precious memories they will remember fondly, an afternoon on a wild and windy beach, discovering a new and exciting world vastly different from the one they are use to.
 With the light fading and appetites growing it was time to head for home, to fill hungry tummies and rest weary heads...............


MaddieW said...

ahhhhhhh the beach
oh Gem i didnt know you took photos of me!!!!!!!!!!, hahaa.
Thank you for letting us stay with you for some hours, it was soooo nice to see you again :)
and the beach, hahaha you got it, soo refreshing
glad to know Spirit is safe :)


MaddieW said...

I think that that is a WONDERFULL IDEA GEM, i would love too if you want to have me.
I love coming to your house, something about you, spiritual, positive energy, or something :)
I love being around you,
So i think that is a great idea, :)
cannot wait!!!!!!