Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Having Followed.......

 Having followed the 13 Moon Natural Time Calendar for many years now I find the harmonic energies that are invited from this calendar so nurturing.
Each day brings a different vibration, each week and month also bestow the opportunity for inner expansion.
This year is the 
White Rhythmic Wizard Year
we are in the third month, 
the Electric Moon of Service, 
during this month we meditate on
Activating - Bonding - Service
as well as the daily affirmation, 
today's for example is

(I dissolve in order to target
Releasing awareness
I seal the input of flowering 
With the spectral tone of liberation
I am guided by the power of flowering
I am guided by my own power doubled)

you also focus on those of the month, centring the energies within you and around you.

Returning to the Georgian way of time keeping for me would be unheard of, even though I have to write the date several times a day I am always asking someone what is the date? 
It feels artificial and foreign, it no longer resonates to me at all.

As I begin my daily ritual of discovering the daily affirmation I feel a tingle of excitement enter my aura, a feeling which resides within me the entire day.
Sitting in meditation I allow these energies to stabilize within me, such a gentle and authentic way to begin a day.

Each day we are given the opportunity for personal growth, to expand our own power by offering ourselves for service, thus expanding the level of Light on the planet.
Each day of our week relates to a different chakra, each week also offers deeper insights into the Dreamspell, leading me harmoniously into my tomorrows, into the dance of dreams yet to be written..........



beautiful post, gemel - sorry to have been so remiss in visiting - hope all is well with you and yours! ;)

Mark said...

You write beautifully Gemel. :) thankyou for sharing your beautiful soul with us all.