Thursday, September 01, 2011

Feeling The Need....

 Feeling the need to ground myself I headed down to the welcoming sanctuary of the ocean.
 Lost in my own inner world I happily skipped along the shore, my bare feet enjoying the cooling embrace of the moist sand.

 The day had been warm, and the fresh salty water was a welcome treat, my first splash since last autumn.
 As I walked along signs of the recent storms littered the beach, this collection of shells and coral was left over debris from the last storm front that bombarded the shores.
 Knowing that another storm is due to hit this afternoon I enjoyed the calm seaside, walking along, still uplifted from my handsome stranger.
 Deep in thought, smiling as I continued, meditating upon the chance encounters that enter my world, wondering what the purpose of today's brief rendezvous was all about.

Will I ever see him again?
Should I have grab his hand?
 Should I have spoken?
 Questions all lingering upon my lips, queries that will perhaps never be answered.

All I could think was that if was gifted to me for a reason, and as yet I do not know what that is, maybe it as a reassurance from God, that all is as it should be, that I am not alone.
Perhaps he sent one of his angels down to affirm his love.

There remaining just out of sight are those who guide and watch over me, I feel that today was simply a reminder of this.
Nothing is as it seems!

A timely indication that magical things happen when one least expects it, that perhaps I am about to enter a new phase of my story.
Maybe the clue was given in the spontaneity of the mystical meeting, just be still, be in truth and all will be as it should be......


Yogi♪♪♪ said...

When I was single I had a few encounters similar to what you had. Nothing came of them but I don't think they were for naught. I have spent the rest of my life thinking "What if..." but not in forlorn, longing way, but in just a wondering way. I'm with who I was meant to be with. But I'm not a believer that there is one and only one person out there for each of us.

But, you have such a way with words.

Craig said...

First of all, the beach shots are spectacular! Secondly, how exciting and intriguing! I hope it (whatever it is) goes forward... and we want details!