Monday, August 15, 2011


 Often when one ceases looking for an answer, or a solution it appears out of nowhere, sometimes you even find it yourself whilst speaking about something else entirely.
Sitting is how I find my way.
Sitting and watching.
In complete silence.
It could be the plain act of watching two leaves floating in the birdbath, just drifting lazily along when suddenly a whiff of wind pushes them gently, they begin to move ever so slowly, softly, calmly.
In such private moments I am catapulted into a world of mute loveliness, a place where my heart expands and my body dissolves, allowing me to become part of all I see.
In these moments of quiet surrender I see my way, past those who wish to manoeuvre me into stories that do not settle within the desires of my own heart.
Being true to the self is not always viewed well by others as they do not understand your reluctance to  just settle for what is in front of you, to do things 'their' way.
There is a longing in my heart, one that is not yet filled, a yearning so intense that I wonder if ever I will find the source of its hunger.
Part of it I knows lays in the soil of a faraway land, whose country lanes and wild woodlands call to me from thousands of miles away,the only place I feel at home.
Yet it is not only the beautiful shores of England that murmur to me, no, there is another faint voice whispering, lingering, so close behind me, and as I strain to listen to the words spoken the voice fades away.
Out of reach, disappearing into tomorrow......... 


Natalie said...

Higher self?

Anonymous said...

So many things to take away from this post.

But I am a fellow traveler along these very lines:

"There is a longing in my heart, one that is not yet filled, a yearning so intense that I wonder if ever I will find the source of its hunger."

Perhaps seekers will always have that hunger...