Thursday, July 07, 2011

Unusual Flowers..........

 Unusual flowers  demanded my undivided attention, what were these delightful beauties?
Coffee flowers!
Well, okay they might not be called coffee flowers exactly, but soon they would turn into the red berries, that would in turn blossom into coffee beans.
Bali is like a giant grocery store, everywhere I turned there were ripe fruits hanging from trees begging to be picked and tasted, a wonderland of scents and vistas that left me speechless continuously.
 I also found the Balinese children utterly delightful, each time I was seen by a child they would come running saying, photo, photo, then standing as I captured their image and then giggled uncontrollably as I let them see themselves.  
Western society has lost so much, never had I seen such blessed contentment, to live as they do in simple homes surrounded by jungle, high in the mountains was echoed in every cell of their beings, these children were happiness personified.
I would trade the 'modern' world in a instant to live the rest of my days in the heavenly bliss of their simple world.
 Everywhere I looked life was simple, no machines were used to harvest crops, seems even a ladder was not required by this farmer as he shimmied up a tree to gather his crop.
 The next plant to captivate my attention was this field of tobacco, looking more like a lush crop of vegetables, these plants will be dried and turned into cigarettes, it seemed somehow bizarre, that a plant so vibrant and full of life would damage the lives of millions of people who care to smoke it's boon........

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