Wednesday, February 16, 2011

As The Setting...........

As the setting sun tinted the sky with delicate hues of golden delight, the hint of rain danced within the humid air, the promise of a downpour was tantalising.
As the gentle waves broke softly on the shore I joined the gulls as they silently gazed upon the thunderclouds that loomed in the distance, the rumble of thunder breaking the unearthly silence of the evening.
The stillness of the night lured me closer to the shore.
The thought of entering the water to glide within its purifying grasp, to relinquish myself to the Oneness of eternity in a single moment of surrender was summonsing me.
The wind had dropped, the hush so loud it penetrated each minute cell of my body, sending shivers of delight throughout my being, stilling me as the silky wetness engulfed me.
Sensing the company of an almighty presence I closed my eyes, the water ebbed around me, encircling me in its loving caress.
Feeling the intensity quicken, I stood, mute to the grandeur of the moment, humbled by the simplicity of the encounter...............

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