Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Gifts From......

Gifts from Mother nature never fail to instill a sense of awe within me. Delicate red flowers protruding from the green feather like foliage that decorates the dry bushland floor, scattering a splash of colour to lift the barren dryness that surrounds them.
Or the golden hues of the wattle bush as it explodes in dynamic brilliance against the dun coloured earth.
Each one a unique masterpiece of creation.
A symphony of splendor, silently bestowing pristine elegance to our world............


Anonymous said...

We are surrounded by master pieces where life can be truly seen as a work and love of art.

Gemel said...

How true.....from the tiniest to the monumental...all of it, amazing..

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

The gifts from nature are the best.