Saturday, May 08, 2010

A Mystical Moment...............

A mystical moment that drew my attention as the evening sun sent alluring shadows dancing on the wall.
Captivated for moments of hushed wonder as the twinkling light caressed reality with its vision.
Golden and subtle, the illusion drew me into the realms of my imagination.
Taking me to the hushed retreat of my own creation.
Sitting, remembering the way of the heart.
The way that is paved with purity of thought, of forgiveness and of peace.
No regrets linger within my heart, I know that what has past, has past, and what is yet to be, is still to come.
I neither plan nor plot, I simply allow the unfolding of my story to write itself with clarity and with love.............

1 comment:

Jaky said...

You ought to load the video Gem!