Thursday, April 01, 2010

Suddenly the Silence.................

Suddenly the silence was disturbed, a native honey eater began to summon others, perhaps he had found a tree of of yummy nectar? It took me a few moments to locate him as he warbled away, high above in the safety of a sturdy old gum tree.
Enjoy the fleeting moment of connection I stood motionless and listen with clarity to the tones of his song.
Such tender twinkling's of life are not embrace frequently enough, it is rewarding to stop, still and hushed as I spectate the life of another..............


Nancy said...

What a pretty little bird, and nice reminder to stop and listen to the sounds of other life forms.

Ronda Laveen said...

A native honey eater! He is cute.

Cathy said...

Agree, I don't have that bird here.