Monday, January 04, 2010

Where Do I Start................

Where do I start?
There is so much to share, so many words locked within my heart, swirling around in the restful confines of my weary heart, often I felt tested to the edge of my ability to cope, taking me to the limit of my trust in my beloved Universe, knowing that to have peace within I had no other option than to embark in a new solo chapter of my life, seeing that to stay in the safety net of security would snuff my light completely, seeing me fade into the darkness of depression and despair, all for the promise of financial security..............
Dawn walks along the beach, endless nights of solitude where my only companion was the endless caress of the Universes love, pulsating its hypnotic energy, cocooning me as I sat confronting myself, sitting in this silence I have found myself and I know at last that I Am Free...................

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