Friday, July 31, 2009

What Is The Point.................

What is the point of being in a place of anger, resentment, hate, blame, judgement, criticism? Why do so many people feel that they have points to score, grievances and grudges to cling to, malicious gossip to spread? Why do so many people feel the need to destroy others just because they are hurting, or not getting their own way, or enough attention? Staying focused on the true essence of life, love, we would see past the need to control, to be right, to hurt and to ridicule others. Instead we would embrace the knowledge that because of an imbalance within our self we have emotional blockages to work through, that the disharmony we feel inside is not the result of anyone else, only our polluted and misled ego attempting to create drama in our life taking the focus away from the inner work required. By creating dramas or feuds you take the focus off the real issue, Your Self, and place it on to another person/s slandering their name, reputation and their personality to make you feel better. Trouble is you rarely will, because the energy needed to create and maintain negative and hateful behaviour towards another person will have detrimental effects on your soul, thus leaving you feeling less than perky. But, you will be addicted to the attention you receive as you wallow in the staring role as the victim, so many people surrounding you in your misery that you can't tear yourself away from the story that you manifest with the poisonous words and actions that have become second nature by now. We all have lessons to transcend, and we all have made mistakes, however, those that fail to see their input into all situations of their lives are those in need of the most help, these people think that they are perfect, the hard done to, the ones out for revenge, and they need the most love. Life is a funny journey, most of us given the choice would have written our stories another way had we had the conscious choice, we forget that all that happens to us though happens for a reason, that each and every situation that we find our self in is there to teach us, to give us the choice to deal with the situation in a negative hateful way, or, from the heart without aggression, often passively and from the confines of your own heart. Those that seek to win the war of being the popular one, the right one, the good one, should take a moment to step back and look at themselves and why they have to achieve all these things at the expense and hurt of others, most often those very close to them. It maybe enlightening to learn that having to prove yourself to someone, anyone is really not that important, being true to yourself is worth more than having hundreds of friends that praise and support you in in your vendetta of hatred and accusations against others, that often if these people took the time to consider that there is never just one side to a story, that to know the true inner misery of someone else is impossible, so to judge another is to condemn yourself........................

1 comment:

Nancy said...

Very well said. We all have this conversation that carries on in our mind, where we are the star and everything revolves around us. Sometimes taking a step back is good for us. We see things from another perspective. And the realization is that we are all on a journey, things to help us are put in our path, and how we deal with them will determine whether or not we come back to do them again, maybe another way. Same lesson, though. I, for one, hate doing things over and over. I'd rather learn whatever it is I'm here to learn and move on..

Great post.