Wednesday, April 15, 2009

There Are Four.............

There are four ways to deal with the negative situations that you encounter in your life, the ones you don't like or feel that you are unable to change. Ignoring them Bury them Learning to put up with them Changing your attitude If you decide to ignore them you will create dis-ease with in your body, as well as mental anguish. If you bury them you will also cause mental and physical dis-ease within your body, by doing either of the above you are creating a pathway for depression in your later life. If you learn to put up with them, again you are not dealing with the situations, you are in fact burying them, just in a different way, hence heading for internal and external disaster. Changing your attitude and working through the challenges that you have encountered however will assist you in moving past them and releasing the negativity that has been surrounding you. Your health will improve and you also see a major improvement in your mental approach to life too. No one can make you feel guilty, nor can any past situation, it is gone, therefore can no longer cause you harm. No one can make you feel angry or frustrated, these emotions too come from your inability to accept a lesson, learn from it and thus move forward with your life. Harbouring negativity and anger only hurts you, it stops you from living your life, sees you causing major illness and holding onto abusive emotions within your body. By choosing to take control of your life you set yourself free, to know that you hold the key to unlock any negative situation's that keeps a prisoner of the past, which in turns never allows you to lead your life in the present. By going back over your life story and looking back with an open and forgiving heart you will not only free yourself, but also all those unwanted and useless skeletons that are hanging in your closet.................


Walker said...

I'm working through a weight management decision and looking at changes differently. Now I push the opportunity to find another small change to try making. Pretty successful so far. Next step will be making changes with my interpersonal relationships.

Anonymous said...

So true Gem! I read this in Louisy Hay's book 'The power is within you'. Nice book.