Tuesday, March 31, 2009

No Guru.........

Meditation is not about following a guru, sitting cross legged in the lotus position, chanting or any other exercise, it is all about breathing and stillness, with open eyes, which means you are able to do it anywhere at anytime......
Learning to control your thoughts, becoming aware of how much time you think, especially about negative situations or the past and future is the key. The more time you spend each day wasting your energy on things that have already been or those that have not yet come takes you away from the present moment, which is Now, and Now is all that matters. Once you have begun to edit your thoughts you are becoming still and are now able to listen to your breathing, feeling the life force of the Universe surging through your body, with time you will also be able to locate any energy blocks, thus alerting yourself to negativity that requires releasing.
Walking meditation is a simple way to begin to shift the balance within your life.
All of us have time for a thirty minute walk each day, it is only our laziness that stops us, we are too tired, have to much to do, have to cook dinner, watch the news, on the list goes of excuse after excuse for being unhealthy and plagued with anxiety, even depression, (and there is no such thing as bad weather, clothing is the answer to that wonderful excuse.)
By making a commitment to a free and easy way to embark on the road to major life changes lies with the soles of your feet and your dedication to love and honour your glorious body, to realise that it is all up to you, no one else can change or fix you, make you better, only you can do this.
It may seem like a monumental step, to commit to thirty minutes of physical activity a day, but are you not worth that pledge? To begin with all you have to do is get out of the door, even if it only walking around your block, it is the first step that is always the hardest to take, after a week you will be seeing and feeling the difference, which is when you can begin to walk in awareness of your breathing, walking along with a completely clear mind, focused and present in the Now. You will soon begin to shift your awareness to the feelings of being, just being, connected to all that you pass, the lapping waves as they break along the shore, the rustle of the leaves as the wind caresses them, the chirping of the birds, children playing, even traffic noise will merge with you, you are still, peaceful and present, at one with all that surrounds you. You are walking in meditation. Stillness is the greatest healer, no medicine or therapy can alleviate negative illness or energy like retreating into your self, what stops us is our dependence upon drama and pain, many are addicted to being unwell, it gives them power and attention, some have known it all their lives and the thought of being well terrifies them. Taking control of you for you is liberating, nourishing and free, and it all starts with that single step outside the front door...................

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