Sunday, March 01, 2009

Bandy Spider............................

I had never seen one of these amazing creatures before this morning when I came across this one as I was doing some pruning. Not certain what sort it was, or more importantly if it was one to be wary of I did a bit of research............... Argiope Trifasciata or Banded Garden Spider or Banded Argiope Generally seen in the centre of an orb web, with legs together in pairs. Trifasciatas are found throughout Australia around Autumn. Often mistaken for the St Andrews Cross spider which is only found in the east. These awesome creatures are totally harmless. What a stunning little fellow, gardens are just full of these amazing little critters, which I guess is why I enjoy being out there so much....................

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ya, seems so. I got interested in spiders after I saw 'Spiderman 1'. the way spider bites peter and he becomes the New York super hero. I was pretty small when it was released though. it still fascinates me.