Saturday, September 20, 2008

Exquisite Crows..........

Anyone who knows me well understands my total love of all animals and they will also know that of all the birds that crows are my favourites. My family of crows that come to feed daily at my home never cease to amaze me with their antics and their open love of each other, something that the human race could benefit from learning! Although I watch them wherever I am, these photos were taken at a local park a few days ago, as always a quiet walk turns into not only a photo session of local animals but also an opportunity for me to loose myself in observing the intimate life of many remarkable creatures. From the wonderment I feel to watching them soar overhead................... To personal moments shared high in the branches.......................... Graceful dances high in the sky..............................
To family encounters where the love and devotion is clearly visible to those open enough to really see what family bonds these exquisite birds truly have.................

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