Thursday, January 10, 2008

Resonant Moon

The month of the Resonant Moon begins today, it is the 7 month in my year, "7 has its' unique symmetry relation to 1 and 13, the alpha and the omega of the Mayan number harmonic. At the centre of the pattern, 7 represents the magic by which the whole holds together." The Mayan Factor.
Resonant Moon channels - inspires - attunes us, we are resonant beings, meaning we resonant to the energies that we expose ourselves to, attracting to us people and situations on like minded frequency's. Do you notice what can change your moods? T.V, radio, news programmes, walking in a beautiful place, stroking an animal, you can attune your ability to alleviate energies that do not resonant to your frequency by removing them from your life, thus inspiring positive changes. The power of 7 is demonstrated as the central mystical channel by the 7 energy centres known as chakras, these chakras resonant with the Earth energies and Universal energies that are constantly entering our body, attuning and inspiring us as we bring spirit into matter according to the frequency's we are personally attuned to. When you consciously work with the vibrations that surround you, using this energy to not only lift your frequency but also that of those around you, you will begin to notice a shift in your vibrational field. Allow inspiration to work through you and become a channel for the Universal energies to attune you and your environment every waking moment of your day by consciously channeling positive vibrations and thoughts in every area of your life story.

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