Friday, January 18, 2008

How we perceive beauty is uniquely personal to each and every one of us, my perception of beauty is incomparable to anyone else, no one is right, no one is wrong, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Beauty to me is everywhere I look in the natural world, the oceans, rivers, mountains, animals, birds, trees, the sky, clouds, stars, and plants I see the miracle of life surrounding me in every molecule that creates our glorious planet. Of late I have had been included in conversations with people who are awestruck by houses, how amazing the new display homes are that have just been open for viewing, suggesting that I must go and have a look. I however can not get excited about such things, a house whether it is a mansion or a simple home is not beautiful as such, they are all made of the same sorts of materials, glass, wood, bricks, and mortar, it is still something that is man made, the energy that makes a beautiful home however has nothing to do with the amount of money it cost to build the house, nor has it anything to do with the furniture that fills it, it is the vibration that pulsates throughout the home that will give a house its beauty. I know many people who would look at the photograph above and see nothing astounding or infinitely beautiful at all with this magnificent coastal masterpiece, it is simply another beach.

Being able to view the world as an innocent every single day of my life is one of the greatest gifts that I possess, and I am forever giving thanks to the Universe for bestowing this trait within me, I see the world with the eyes of a child, I notice the light as it catches a leaf making it appear instantly translucent, I marvel at the way a dragonfly hovers over the water, the dew as it sits upon the grass glistening as the Sun rises. I feel that if we all learnt to reconnect with the beauty and the magic of the Universe we would return to being more feeling and loving towards each other, and of course we would also shift our awareness to the natural world that surrounds us, which would begin to heal the devastation that man has placed upon our planet.

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