Tuesday, November 06, 2007

It's A Long Time Since.................................

Tonight after dinner I suggested we go out and have a after dinner coffee at our local seaside cafe, I took the camera with me anticipating a stunning sunset, and it was. It is a long time since I have watched the sun set, it did my soul good to be still, watching the silent departure of our glorious Sun for another day. As I was sitting there enjoying the silence watching the golden orb sinking lower I thought to myself how lovely it would be to see a dolphin playing in the waves enjoying the last moments of sunshine, and then promptly went back to enjoying the view.

Well low and behold what did I see a few moments later, a dolphin? No, a pod of whales, amazing and totally awesome, unfortunately my camera does not have sufficient zoom to have capture them as they were rising out of the water. How privileged I felt to witness such a sight, the sheer size of these majestic giants was utterly astonishing. I am not certain how many was in the group, they were breaching in groups of two and four.
It was certainly a case of ask and you shall receive!


Mandi said...

Lucky lucky you...my dream is to see such things...not likley here though....take care.x

Gemel said...

You never know what will happen or when! Love to all xoxoxo pippo