Monday, November 19, 2007

At Last

Here they all are, lined up anxiously waiting to spread their roots into the earth, free at last from their pots, I can almost hear them cheering as their release draws closer and closer................
It took me several attempts placing the plants in different positions until I felt completely happy with how it felt.........................
All in and watered, now the mulch is starting to be spread........................
And there we have it, the native garden, (or room as I look to call it) all that is needed now is a bird bath for all the thirsty little birds who will visit the garden. And of course I will be watering them several times a day until they get over the shock of transplanting.
It has certainly made a difference and with each step that is completed the nearer we get to that natural haven I so desired. Next? The tropical gardens around the pool..........................

1 comment:

Mandi said...

looking fab.....not long before it will be all grown....what a differnce it makes getting the paths done all comes together so quickly after that....hope Eric isn't winging too much about his back!