Monday, November 27, 2006

Blossoms Holiday (part two)

From the moment I put Blossom into the car until the time we arrived in Denmark she was a very good kitty! She was quite happy as you can see just lying on the back seat as we drove for five hours each way, bless her heart. As you can also see she soon settled into country life, however that was not without a little bit of excitement.
Blossom saw her first Kangaroo, and that was a moment I shall never forget! I actually thought that her eyes were going to pop out of her head, I have never seen anyone cat or otherwise open their eyes as wide for as long. She was shocked and if she could have spoken I am certain she would have said "what the #%*? was that?" Bless her heart, it did take her some time to regain her composure and to go near the door again so I decided that I would put on her our bed to settle down, little did I know a group of Kangaroo's was outside the window, so she sat up and just stared at them, she was as stiff as a board. Bless her heart.

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